Earlier this year we embarked upon a joint venture with my parents and purchased 20 acres of land just outside of the major metropolitan area in which we live. The dream of cultivating a large piece of land (well, large for us city folk) for gardens and orchards is both exciting (because I REALLY like to eat) and daunting (because there’s a lot of work involved in maintaining a farm). Before we could start our endeavor we were faced with the difficult task of naming our acreage. After much ado, I am happy to announce we are officially calling our piece of paradise (drum roll please…….)
The Majestic Farmacy (Get it?!? Majestic…as in my last name…. and Farmacy….. as a spin off of the word Pharmacy… Gosh we’re clever.)
Hippocrates is considered to be the founding patriarch of medicine and wisely stated “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food,” which is precisely what we aim to do! I hope you’ll check back regularly to receive updated information on our farm. Until then, may you find health and happiness!