We made a trip out to our land this weekend and were admiring the custom metal signs that adorned many of the entrances to properties along the way. In typical American fashion, after seeing the signs, I HAD to have one for our property. Literally, my life could not go on until I came up with the PERFECT idea for our entry sign. But what would it say? Do we put our entire name “Majestic Farmacy” or do we abbreviate? And then it hit me. In today’s busy world it is common practice for people to abbreviate their text messages and emails. Acronyms such as LOL, OMG, BTW, ILY, and WTF (which obvisouly stands for Well That’s Fantastic) are widely used and recognized by individuals of all ages. So, in order to keep up with the times, I’ve come up with a proposed acronym for our entry sign.
As you are aware, we are the Majestic Farmacy and we specialize in responsible farming practices. The acronym on our entry sign is really a tribute to the men and women who help work the land (namely my dad, mom, husband, and myself). Before I reveal the acronym, I thought it would be helpful to lead you through my thought process when I came up with this abbreviation. Here goes:
If we are operating under the name Majestic Farmacy, then wouldn’t you say its accurate to refer to the men and women who work at the Majestic Farmacy as Majestic Farmers? And if we are Majestic Farmers, would it not make sense to shorten our name from 15 characters to something much simpler, much easier to remember, and much more catchy, like MF’ers? I mean, did we not establish that abbreviations are all but expected for businesses who are wanting to thrive in our busy society?
Just think about all of the possibilities.
- Employee t-shirts printed with the helpful slogan, “Have a question? Ask me. I’m an MF’er.”
- Volunteer badges that proudly proclaim, “They don’t pay me to be an MF’er.”
- Billboards, posters, and flyers that advertise how helpful our employees are, “If you’ve never had an experience with an MF’er, we’re here to help.”
- Employee children will be known as “honorary MF’ers” until they are of age in which case they will graduate to “lifelong MF’er”
Ohhh the prospects… the GLORIOUS prospects…
Too funny! Love it!