WARNING: Due to some graphic details, this post is not for individuals who have an aversion to potty humor.
All parents know that one day their children will go through “the change” and begin to take an interest in certain parts of the human body that they were previously unaware even existed. Even though I knew this day was coming, somehow that didn’t make it any easier. I’m writing about it in today’s post in hopes that many of you can relate to what I’m going through and so that we can be a support to one another. I think it best if I forgo tiptoeing around the subject and just come right out and talk about it. Parker (our dog/child) is a BUTT MAN! Yes, I said it, he likes butts (and I cannot lie) and he likes them any way he can get them:
He likes to eat butts – Things like Rump Roast, Hot Dogs (which, as we all know, are made up of butts and lips), Peanut BUTTer, and Banana Butts (you know, the end of the banana that resembles a certain unnamed orifice).
He likes to sniff butts – His own… Other dogs… Our friends… My bellyBUTTon!
Evidently, he even likes the taste of HIS OWN butt – I know it’s natural for children to explore their own bodies, but seriously?!?
Can anyone who has been through this phase with their child(ren) tell me if this is natural? Should I be worried? Should I talk to him about it, or hope that he finds out what he needs to know from his friends and the internet? Help!
Thanks in advance for your words of encouragement.
A concerned mom
My son discovered himself around the age of three. In fact, he explored so often that “it” eventually was known as his “hands outta there”.