If you know me very well then you know I’m a HUGE fan of smoothies. Not a fair-weather fan like many NFL team so-called “supporters”, but a true die hard fan like my Nana was of the Dallas Cowboys. She rooted for them from the day they were founded in 1960 up until her passing in 2012. I imagine my commitment to smoothies being similar to how ABBA fans (such as my husband) are unwavering even though they are regularly ridiculed by mean-spirited bullies (such as my husband’s wife…whom shall remain nameless). Of course this is a purely hypothetical example. 🙂 Anyway, getting back to the topic of this post, because smoothies are easy to make and jam packed with nutrients, they are a staple at our house. Knowing how much I enjoy the sweet taste of liquefied Heaven on Earth, my acupuncturist (MuQi) recently shared his go-to smoothie recipe with me. And I must admit that it is AB-SO-LUTELY mouth-wateringly delicious! So, in honor of the individual who introduced me to this tasty treat, I present to you……. The sMuQi (pronounced smookie):
- 1 cup Strawberries
- 1/3 cup Blueberries
- 2 cups Pineapple
- 1 small Banana
- 1/4 cup Instant Oatmeal (or 1 individual packet)
- Cinnamon (to taste or approx 1 tsp)
- Vanilla (to taste or approx 1 tsp)
- 1 Avocado
- 3-5 cups Almond Milk (Add until achieve desired thickness)
- Optional: Carrots and/or Zucchini
Place all ingredients into a blender (we use a Ninja) and blend until smooth.
- This recipe works well with fresh or frozen produce. For a thicker smoothie, frozen produce is best (or if using fresh produce just add ice).
- The ratio of ingredients can be tweaked to your likeness. For example, if you like the taste of strawberries, add more! If blueberries are your thing, double the quantity!
- Aside from the benefit of adding nutrient dense fat to your sMuQi, avocados also give it a creamy texture (mmmmmmm creeeeeeeeamy).
- I prefer to use organic ingredients when available. 🙂
- This recipe makes several servings of smoothies that can be enjoyed for up to three days (if they haven’t been devoured before then!)
I’ve shared my current favorite smoothie recipe with you, now it’s your turn to share yours with me! Post your favorite smoothie recipe by following the “Leave a Comment” link above.
Oh, and shameless plug: If you are interested in trying acupuncture, I HIGHLY recommend MuQi with Balance Point. I have personally experienced great results under his care. Check out his website at balancepointok.com and tell him Kate sent you!
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